Tuesday, June 3, 2008

China earth quake

Hi Guys,
Was unwell yesterday hence no post, was reading about the earthquake in China, saw some really disheartening images. being a parent myself, the 'one couple one child' policy seems very harsh when such incidents occur. Many school buildings collapsed due to the quake leaving thousands of children dead. Pictures of parents holding their dead children brought tears to many...
It was quite amazing how the army came to the rescue of trapped people drained the quake lakes to ensure no further damage was done due to floods, kudos to them.
What is intriguing? Use your imagination to guage the impact of this event on the economy. While China's economy would not be affected as it is very large in scale, it could face some issues on work force front as many young people (mainly students) died.
Could this impact India? would some chinese goods that have become a daily utility become dear to Indians, further fuelling the inflation in India. Mainly due to reduced supply of chinese goods and/or due to reliance on Indian replacements?
The answers for these would be evident as time passes. Leave you with these thoughts...
May god bless the souls that passed away due to the quake in China and the floods in Burma.

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