evening before last, the honourable prime minister of India addressed the nation ragarding the fuel hike by 10% effective 5th June. The way he placed forth the issue was very admirable and I completely agree with the governments decision to hike the prices and the views expressed in the address. In fact I feel that this could have been done at an annual rate of 4-5% for the last 3-4 years to avoid this sudden shock. At least in future the government should mark the domestic fuel rates to the internation crude oil prices.
The crude oil price has increased from $39 for a barrel in 2004 to $130 for a barrel in 2008. The petrol, diesel, LPG, kerosene et al has not gone up anywhere near that.
The deficit in the proces was borne by the government and the oil companies. Had the government not hiked the price the economy would have borne the brunt. The oil companies would have been in doldrums. This price hike is covering only 10% of the actual deficit, the rest is still bridged by the oil companies backed by the government.
It is imperative that we as responsible citizens of this nation take the hint and look for ways and means of saving fuel. Starting from using public transport...at least pooling cars. This would help our nation come out of this oil crisis.
We should also think of our future generations, if we use up all the available fuel they would have none!!! Imagine your great grand children taking a bullock cart to school as there is no more diesel...or imagine your grand children riding horses or walking to work...People would die of heart attacks as there would be no means to transport them to the hospital. We should extend this to all resources...electricity, water, food...should use all resources frugally and ensure that nothing is wasted.
It is also noteworthy that we as end consumers of fuel pay huge state government taxes in form of VAT and octroi. It is now in the hands of the state governments to cushion us against this. Let us see how things turn out.